Art and Technology Installations

Common Voices

Adam Larsen

Common Voices is a virtual gathering space for public to share stories, celebrate uniqueness, and spark conversation during the Common Senses Festival. Collected stories will be made available online both during and after the festival with the goal of building community and creating a more compassionate world for individuals on the autism spectrum.

The Living Room

Dr. Matthew Goodwin, James Coleman and JB&B

Light, sound, and visual imagery are designed to dynamically adjust to accommodate end user comfort and enjoyment in this ambient environment.

A Worm’s Eye View

Adam Larsen

Viewers are connected through a visceral social bond as they travel together to abstract spaces contained within the screen before them as a fully-immersive 360° audio visual environment that envelopes a group of spectators in the microscopic perspective of the natural world.

Social Sensory Architecture

Sean Ahlquist, University of Michigan

Through the use of advanced textile design, sensing technology, and bespoke software, complex textile landscapes are transformed into physically, visually, and sonically interactive environments.


Cardio Chairs

James Coleman and Dr. Matthew Goodwin

Cardio Chairs intends to enable and facilitate visualization and exploration of interpersonal dynamics by making the invisible visible.



Sean Ahlquist, University of Michigan

Enclosure. Tactility. Stretch-ability. Transparency. Sound. Pattern. These are all means by which an individual can discover their environment. In combining, muting, and magnifying aspects of these sensory experiences, individuals with autism may experience a sense of agency, often lacking in the highly structured world that a child with autism is presented with.

On display at Omaha Children’s Museum, guests can interact with ORCHIDSPlayscape and narrate their own manner of play.